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Meditate & Create

Science Meets Art & Spirituality

Our approach to healing is based on the belief that physical, emotional and spiritual well-being are interconnected. By combining science, art and spirituality, we can create a deeply transformative experience that addresses the multiple dimensions of well-being. Our therapeutic Neurographic Art Classes are designed to provide individuals with a creative outlet to explore their inner selves, while also offering tools and techniques to support their overall healing journey. 


Whether you're just taking the first steps on your journey into creativity, an artist looking to expand your practice, or someone who's looking for a new technique for healing and relaxation. Our Meditate and Create Classes will help you to explore your mind, body and soul on an intimate and creative level. 

Buy An Introduction Class Today

Get started on your Neurographic Art Journey with our Introduction Class.




“Just attended my second workshop with Aralia Studios and must say I absolutely loved it. Neurographic art is about connecting your conscious mind with your subconscious to give you a clearer pathway.

It helps massively with anxiety/stress and even pain.

I arrived with tension pain in my neck, shoulder and arm and by the time we were half an hour in I was totally relaxed and pain free.
Just wish it had been for longer."


I loved the introduction class that I took today with Emily and Samira. I am a complete beginner and am trying to find a way to take care of ME this year.
I immediately signed up for the Membership after the class! Like attracts Like, and I feel that I've found the perfect way for me to dig deep and find introspection in the form of art. Win/Win!


"What a great workshop this was! Emily explained all about Neurographic art (which I had never heard of previously) and then after a short and calming meditation and writing down our intentions we got stuck in!
I was pleased with what I produced and carried on after the workshop had finished and was pleased with my result and the therapeutic effect it seemed to have on me."


"This was just a wonderful way for my daughter and I to spend an afternoon.
The way they combined art, nature and even a beautiful meditation to help us focus and fire up our creative energies made for a perfect afternoon. So relaxing, healing and satisfying."


“I went to one of Aralias Meditate and Create workshops and it was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. In school I was shut down creatively but finally I was able to express my creative side in an entirely new way!

I will be going to ones in the future and I highly recommend more people going to one of the workshops


A deep " Me time", friendly, nice, respectful, very well structured and shaped.

For left and right brainers, facilitating both awareness, understanding, focus, spontaneity and mindfulness.

Some kind of opening door easing the emergence of desires, feelings, memories, connections to one's own history, life's subtle flow of langages and mysteries.

Thanks to the English Fairy-Ladies for these interesting and meaningful workshops ✨️🌿.


''I've never done Neurographic art before and was intrigued when Emily posted about it on Facebook. Boy was I blown away!

I've had some very stressful events happen in my life recently and have been finding it difficult to concentrate and disconnect from the constant chatter in my mind but as soon as I started drawing my mind went quiet.
Emily gave easy to follow instructions and helped eased my perfectionist mindset so that I could easily flow. I loved it and drew for 1.5hrs straight and gave my brain a well earned rest.
Thank you Emily for this I will most definitely add it to my mental health tool kit for using when I want to calm and refocus."



"I had the most amazing time at Emily and Samiras workshop, I had no idea how relaxing and eye opening it would be, I learnt a lot and took home some great ideas to help with mood/Stress and day to day worry’s... I’d recommend all day long and can’t wait for the next class." 

Neurographic Art

The Neurographic Art method is rooted in the idea of engaging in a meditative and therapeutic practice to unlock and rewire patterns, beliefs, and programs within the mind and body. It is used as a tool for self-discovery, emotional expression, and personal transformation, with an emphasis on the process rather than the final outcome.

Neurographic Art

Neurons play crucial roles in the nervous system, facilitating communication through electrical and chemical signals. Key functions include receiving, transmitting, and processing information. Neurons enable sensory perception, motor control, and cognitive processes like memory and learning. Notably, the brain exhibits neuroplasticity, allowing for the creation of new neural pathways throughout life, influencing adaptability, learning, and recovery from injury or trauma.

The Science


Spirituality plays a multifaceted role in the healing process, contributing to an individual's overall well-being and resilience. While the concept of spirituality is highly personal and can take various forms, it often involves a sense of connection to something greater than oneself and a search for meaning and purpose in life.


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About Us

In our classes, we seamlessly weave together the enriching elements of science, art, and spirituality. This intentional blend forms the foundation of a gentle and personalized approach to healing. Acknowledging the intrinsic interplay between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, our multidimensional strategy aspires to nurture a deep sense of wholeness and resilience for individuals navigating health challenges. This integrated approach serves as a holistic healing method, embracing various dimensions of well-being—physical, emotional, and spiritual—each offering unique benefits to the overall healing journey.

With backgrounds in Psychology, Art & Design, Complementary Therapy and Intuitive Energy Healing, Emily & Samira also have their own Personal Life Experiences which deepen the level of service they can offer. 

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