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About Us

A Healing and Therapeutic Blend of Art, Science and Spirituality. 

We offer bespoke classes which have been curated with the intention of helping you to unlock your creativity and tap into your intuition, whilst inspiring positivity and promoting self worth. We focus on creating a supportive and inclusive space where individuals feel comfortable and safe to explore their creativity in a meaningful way.


Our unique approach to therapeutic art combines Art, Spirituality and Science together. We use Neurographic Art Methods to help unlock and rewire patterns, belief systems and programmes within your mind and body. Combining this with meditation and breath-work techniques, our classes allow you to explore your creativity, whilst creating a deeper sense of self-awareness and improving your mental and even physical health. 

Om Pose

Our Story


In 2020 Emily and Samira, united by their passion for Art, Nature, and shared Spiritual Values, and established Aralia Studios in South Yorkshire, UK. Their first studio space was in modest Rotherham, where they conducted nature-inspired workshops using locally foraged and recycled materials. Their aim was to reconnect individuals with nature through art, whilst also showing people the abundance nature has to offer.


Their diverse projects included crafting bark heart wall-hangings, terrariums, and giant mushrooms from recycled materials and paper mache. With backgrounds in art, teaching, psychology, energy healing, and surface design, Samira and Emily synergise their talents to create an innovative space that explores creativity and challenges traditional boundaries.


They have delivered teacher training workshops, create commissioned pieces and installations, worked in schools and ran their own private workshops.


Last year Samira discovered neurographic art online, and began to practice this mindful method of creativity. This quickly became a popular workshop, with positive feedback from all of those who attended, they decided to dedicate a part of their practice to cultivating a mindfulness and sensory experience, designed to aid people who were looking for an outlet to express themselves. 


They experimented with meditation and breath-work before delivering their workshops. Setting intentions with their clients and guiding them into a state of peace before they began to visually express themselves. Their meditate and create sessions are designed to foster self-worth and peace, and equip individuals with a lifelong tool for personal growth.



Our Clients

We work with everyone, anywhere, regardless of where you live. Our Online Classes are designed to be accessible to anyone, anywhere. You do not need to have any previous artistic experience to join our classes, our goal is to make them as inclusive as possible. We have worked with seven year olds and eighty year olds, we don't assign an age limit to our sessions. We have worked with large groups of over fifty people and also one to one.


Children • Teenagers • Adults  Elderly


Schools • Health Services •  Art Organisations

Terrarium workshop, aralia studios, creativity
watercolour, abstract watercolours, workshop, creative class, aralia studios
creative, hand made brushes, creating, aralia studios workshop, nature based art, meditation
abstract frequency art, aralia studios, workshops, creative, hand-made brushes, nature, foraged
teacher training, art, print making, aralia studios, abstract, creative

Contact Us for Course Enquires, Collaborations or to Work With Us.

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