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Reconnecting with our Inner Child Theme Pack
  • Reconnecting with our Inner Child Theme Pack


    Reconnecting with our Inner Child Theme Pack


    The concept of the "inner child" refers to the emotional, psychological, and developmental residue of our childhood experiences that continues to exist within us into adulthood. It represents the childlike aspects of our personality, shaped by early interactions, upbringing, and formative experiences.


    These experiences can be both negative and positive, whilst positive experiences foster confidence and resilience, negative ones can lead to emotional pain and unhealthy coping mechanisms in adulthood.


    Healing our inner child can aid in repairing any emotional wounds, by acknowledging and nurturing the inner child within us all. Spiritually, reconnecting with the inner child fosters authenticity and creativity.


    Neurographic art, a blend of art and neural techniques, offers a therapeutic way to explore and express suppressed emotions related to the inner child, aiding in healing and self-discovery. By nurturing our inner child we can help to address past issues, develop self-compassion, and enhance emotional well-being in adulthood.


    Classes Included

    Connecting to our Ancestral Mothers

    Healing our Inner Child

    Creating/ Re-establishing a Connection With Our Inner Child

    Reviving Joy and Self-Expression in Adulthood



    We want to gently acknowledge that emotions may surface during our exploration. It's important to prioritise your comfort and well-being. Keeping a journal by your side is good to take notes, or even a piece of paper. 


    Equipment needed:

    - Pen of your personal preference (Sharpie, fine liner, marker pen, gel pen, ink)

    - Paper (Size of your preference)

    - Colouring Equipment of your preference (Crayons, Felt tips, Coloured Pens, Watercolour, Chalk, Wax Crayons) 


    Video Access

    *To access the video download the PDF and Click on the Video link, once you have purchased. 


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