Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy Theme Pack
Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy Theme Pack
Throughout this theme of Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies we will explore what Feminine energy looks like, and what masculine energy looks like. We will explore how each human being is made up of masculine and feminine energy regardless of gender. Each energy plays a vital role in our day-to-day lives, in our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies.
When we can understand how each of these energies can serve us, we can work with them and not against them. We can discover deeper parts of ourselves by tapping into our masculine energy when we need to take action, and feminine energy when we need to activate our compassion, trust and understanding.
By the end of this month you should have good knowledge of how both energies can complement each other, can help us move through life with greater ease, compassion and motivation and how to correct an imbalance in either of these areas.
We will be using breathwork, meditation, affirmations and neurographic art to help reconnect our mind with our body and soul, reprogram and re-condition our minds to be more in flow and in sync with these energies, and to re-align and balance the masculine and feminine energies within us all.
Classes Included
Understanding the Yang Energy
Understanding the Yin Energy
Recognising Imbalances between Yin and Yang
Nurturing both the Masculine and Feminine Within
We want to gently acknowledge that emotions may surface during our exploration. It's important to prioritise your comfort and well-being. Keeping a journal by your side is good to take notes, or even a piece of paper.
Equipment needed:
- Pen of your personal preference (Sharpie, fine liner, marker pen, gel pen, ink)
- Paper (Size of your preference)
- Colouring Equipment of your preference (Crayons, Felt tips, Coloured Pens, Watercolour, Chalk, Wax Crayons)
Video Access
*To access the video download the PDF and Click on the Video link, once you have purchased.