Learning to Love Yourself
Learning to Love Yourself
In this transformative class we will be exploring a way of cultivating self-love and self-worth, through our carefully designed and guided Neurographic Art, Meditation and Breath-work exercises.
This class should give you a deeper insight into the relationship you have with yourself, and the views you hold about yourself and the world around you.
Guiding you through all the ways in which having a lack of self-love may manifest as an illness of dis-ease in our physical bodies, how it can impact the way others view us and interact with us. And the ways in which it may also affect our outer world experiences.
This class combines therapeutic techniques, artistic expression, and the science of neuroplasticity. We will delve into the depths of self-discovery, addressing barriers to self-love and rewiring patterns that may hinder personal growth.
GUIDANCE: We want to gently acknowledge that emotions may surface during our exploration. It's important to prioritise your comfort and well-being. Keeping a journal by your side is good to take notes, or even a piece of paper.
Equipment needed:
- Pen of your personal preference (Sharpie, fine liner, marker pen, gel pen, ink)
- Paper (Size of your preference)
- Colouring Equipment of your preference (Crayons, Felt tips, Coloured Pens, Watercolour, Chalk, Wax Crayons)
Video Access
*To access the video download the PDF and Click on the Video link, once you have purchased.