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Creating An Effortless Path for Desires to Flow

Creating An Effortless Path for Desires to Flow


Creating An Effortless Path for Desires to Flow


In order to create a space for abundance to flow into our lives, we have to believe we already have it. This doesn't involve pretending or making up a false narrative. Instead, this involves feeling grateful for what we already have in our lives at present. To attract more of what you want, you have to believe that you are worthy of receiving it, but that you are also grateful for how much abundance is already in your life to start with. 


In this class we will be focusing on gratitude, when we are grateful for the people, things, places and opportunities in our lives already we can shift into the vibration of positivity and therefore attract more of what we already have in our lives. 


Following feelings of joy, happiness and love, and carrying these emotions into every area of our lives will align us with a path that opens the doors to more of these experiences to come into our life. With a guided breathwork and meditation focused around gratitude, we will use neurographic art to create coherence with our mind, body and soul. Enfusing all of our cells with the energy of gratitude, and sending the vibration of gratitude to all areas of our being.



GUIDANCE: We want to gently acknowledge that emotions may surface during our exploration. It's important to prioritise your comfort and well-being. Keeping a journal by your side is good to take notes, or even a piece of paper. 


Equipment needed:

- Pen of your personal preference (Sharpie, fine liner, marker pen, gel pen, ink)

- Paper (Size of your preference)

- Colouring Equipment of your preference (Crayons, Felt tips, Coloured Pens, Watercolour, Chalk, Wax Crayons) 


Video Access

*To access the video download the PDF and Click on the Video link, once you have purchased. 

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