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Online Class
9.99 British pounds

Class Description

The auric field, often referred to as the aura, is a subtle, multi-layered energy field that surrounds and permeates the human body. It is believed to interact with and influence the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person. Healing the auric field involves cleansing and balancing the energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. This field, also known as the aura, is believed to interact with the physical body and influence overall health. Techniques such as energy healing, meditation, and visualisation are used to remove blockages, balance energy flow, and strengthen the aura. This process can help release negative energy, enhance the flow of life force, and promote harmony within the body's energy systems. The benefits of healing the auric field extend to emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Emotionally, it can lead to greater calmness, reduced stress, and improved emotional resilience. Physically, a balanced aura supports the body's natural healing processes and enhances overall vitality. Mentally, it can bring clarity, focus, and a more positive outlook. Spiritually, healing the auric field fosters a deeper connection to oneself, heightened intuition, and a sense of inner peace. In this class we will focus on healing our auric field, we will do a cleansing and clearing meditation and connect to our auric field. Guiding you through a short breathwork and setting some affirmations and intentions before starting our Neurographic art piece around this healing and clearing. By the end of this class you should feel a sense of peace, calm, relaxation and more balanced. Guidance: We want to gently acknowledge that emotions may surface during your class. It's important to prioritise your comfort and well-being. Keeping a journal or piece of paper on hand is a great way to write down notes, feelings and emotions that may come forward. Please remember that you can leave the Zoom session at any time. You're under no obligation to be on camera or audio; your participation level is entirely up to what feels right for you. We're here to create a supportive space, and your comfort is our priority. Equipment needed: - Pen of your personal preference (Sharpie, fine liner, marker pen, gel pen, ink) - Paper (Size and colour of your preference) - Colouring Equipment of your preference (Crayons, Felt tips, Coloured Pens, Watercolour, Chalk, Wax Crayons)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Class Refunds: Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for individual class purchases. We believe in the value of our classes and hope you'll find them enriching and enjoyable. If you encounter any issues or have concerns, please reach out to our support team, and we'll be happy to assist you. If you are booking a class for the live version please be mindful of the timezones. It is your responsibility to check this before making a booking. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Details

  • Sheffield, UK

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