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Online Class
9.99 British pounds

Class Description

"Living in the Goal Fulfilled" invites you to step into the mindset of already achieving your dreams. This approach is about embodying the feelings, thoughts, and actions of someone who has reached their goal. By visualising and experiencing your success as if it's already real, you align yourself with the energy needed to attract it into your life. In this class, we'll explore techniques to help you shift from wishing to living in the fulfilment of your desires. Through a guided meditation, visualisation, and a neurographic exercise, you'll learn how to cultivate the mindset and emotions that resonate with your goal. This powerful shift in perspective allows you to act with confidence and clarity, making it easier for your desired outcomes to manifest. We'll focus on bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be by fully embracing the reality of your success. By living as if your goal is already fulfilled, you naturally draw the resources and opportunities needed to make it your reality, transforming your dreams into tangible achievements

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Class Refunds: Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for individual class purchases. We believe in the value of our classes and hope you'll find them enriching and enjoyable. If you encounter any issues or have concerns, please reach out to our support team, and we'll be happy to assist you. If you are booking a class for the live version please be mindful of the timezones. It is your responsibility to check this before making a booking. Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Details

  • Sheffield, UK

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